MURP Delta Green Game

Name: Special Agent Todd Carter.
Date of Birth: 5/16/1964
Carter is 6'3" and well-built. His hair is dark blond, short, and styled
like a TV presenter's. It's not that he make any effort with the hair, but
that's the way it was cut and it seems to take care of itself. He is
lightly tanned and has blue eyes, though overall his appearance is
unremarkable. Not worth looking twice at. His preferred work attire is his
dark green suit, if I can get away with that, and brown shoes. He wears a
digital watch despite carrying a cellphone/palmtop, and is never without a
handkerchief. The current one is lavendar.
An only child, his parents moved to (city), (state) when he was in first
grade (Americans have prep, right?) - which is a great way to not fit in
at a school.
At high school he excelled at sports, particularly
athletics and ball sports, while he studied art, biology, psychology,
english, and probably a bunch of other now-forgotten subjects.
It was in his final year at Stanley High that a year ten [dunno what the
americans call it] boy went psycho at the beginning of lunchtime, forcing
12 hostages into the toilet block and holding them for three hours before
shooting one dead, and himself. Carter witnessed the start of the event,
from an upstairs studio where he was belatedly cleaning up. Two of his
classmates were among the hostages.
His helplessness affected him, caused him to change his career plans.
Well, he didn't really know what he wanted to do before that, so it was
more a case of 'make career plans'. Law enforcement (haha - makes me think
of Willow), but for reasons I haven't thought up, he ended up in the army
for four years before moving to the FBI.
Now, his preferred weapon is the glock 18. Nonetheless, he prefers to
avoid confrontations that aren't strictly necessary.
He lives in a different suburb of (city).
(His strongest skills are: handgun, shotgun, fist, climb, dodge, hide,
jump, sneak, throw, listen, spot hidden)