Rules of Engagement (sort of): The group recieves an email informing them of Adam's death and Alphonse's shooting. After much debate about whether to skip the country or not, they decide to contact Nancy. A meeting is arranged. Nancy updates them, informing them that the shootings were unrelated and show them the photo of the man they believe to be responsible, a "Mr. Galt" After identifying the Galt as the guy that bullets bounce right off of, they are tasked with going to New York to find Galt and try and figure out why Alzis had Adam killed. They go to the airport and book flights to New York. Ashford discovers that flights were booked 2 weeks ago in his name, and the name of his alias, with the airline in question. He tries another airline and soon discovers that this is the case with all available airlines. The others catch their flight and leave Ashford to mill around the terminal, pondering what to do, until he bumps into an fairly non descript young man in a tuxedo, carrying a sign that reads "Joel Ashford". Ashford follows the man out to a small runway where a private jet is waiting. Ashford boards the jet and the man closes the door, remaining outside the plane. The plane is well furnished and despite it's lack of crew appears to be taxiing down the runway. Ignoring this fact Ashford settles into a seat and begins to raid the minibar. Joel decides he wants to watch the X-Files movie. After scouring the video collection near the big screen TV for it and giving up in disgust, he goes to play his second choice and discovers that the X-Files movie is already in the player. The film ends, the credits roll and then some additional camcorder footage appears, tacked on the end. It seems to be a home movie of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson having sex, sometime around second or third season Ashford guesses. He watches for a while then turns it off, unenthused. Shortly afterwards the plane touches down at it's destination. A man is waiting in a cab just outside and without a word he drives Ashford to the hotel that the others had agreed to meet at. Ashford goes to check in and discovers there is already a booking in his name at this hotel. He books in under another name and proceeds inside to tell the others about his trip. When they discover that Ashford has been dropped off at the hotel without telling the driver where he needed to go, White and Goldsmith leave imediately to another hotel, a dingy hotel with hookers. Napier talks to Ashford a little longer and then leaves the hotel, finding another and taking up the conviently pre-booked room under the name of Joel Ashford.
Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and © the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are © Tim Betz;, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.
The X-Files is © Twentieth Century Fox. This is a work of fiction, to the best of my knowledge David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have never video taped themselves having sex (or even had sex for that matter (with each other, I'd be very surprised if they'd never had sex at all, but I guess it's not outside the realms of possibility)).