Session 12b
Traxler's research is going well, but a day has gone without news from the foolhardy explorers. He notifies friends of his whereabouts and heads off. Traxler and Day turn up at Jenny Armbruster's house looking for Ashford and Carter. A giant beagle gives them the willies, they hide under the house then blow the dog's head off. It doesn't die. A giant woman, dressed in sheets and apparently the dog's owner, is ultra pissed off, rips the house up, and kills them. Horiuchi, [kate] and [avi] are the backup team. They dig into the lava pipe, kill everything and two are consigned to hospital. The admissions staff accept the story about an accident with an arc welder... |
Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and © the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are © Tim Betz;, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.