As we rejoin our intrepid heroes they are separated by some distance.
Agent Davis hums along to the radio as he drives to the small town of Garrison.
Schuster is in the Lab examining the experimental rats while Sykes looks over the
dessicated body of Macalleth.
Mahone lies in a small pool of warm spittle next to a half
empty vodka bottle in his room.
The Doctors from the CDC are wandering around looking tense.
Meanwhile, Special Agent Muller has headed down to "Big Joe Hannan's Truck Emporium" to enquire about the
financial details of the purchase of Macalleth's Truck.
Finding Mr. Hannan to be a rather helpful, if somewhat imposing looking man, Muller discovers that
Macalleth paid for his rig in 3 years, an unusually short period of time, however not inconcievable considering
the amount of time he seemed to have spent on the road.
He always paid in cash which he kept in an unmarked envelope and never took a reciept.
Back at the lab...
Much to the general chagrin of the CDC doctors Agent Sykes mixes the oily residue and the black powder that
remained from the worms and warms them in a glove box.
Schuster sends samples from the body and from the truck off for DNA testing to determine if the substances have any
Mutagenic properties. It is decided that since this will take 4 weeks minimum to come back a test similar to those done
in Paternity Suits could be used as a quick and dirty preliminary test on the off chance that something shows up.
Mahone cleans himself up and meets up with Muller. They look into the members of the Sons of Freedom who have a
criminal record. Mahone suggests that they might concentrate on those members who are currently out on Parole and therefore
checking in regularly with their parole officers.
There are four members on parole, three of whom check in regularly. The CDC organise for the State Police to bring
in the men as soon as they hear about the idea from Muller and Mahone.
While this is occuring the results from the check on the bullets found in Macalleth's truck come in. The bullets were manufactured
at the Eagle Arms Corporation, a small family business located in Montana.
The bullets appear to be a standard shipment of 110 grain 9mmm Parabellum rounds.
A little further investigation reveals that Eagle Arms manufactures pistol ammunition for gun clubs and some local police departments
in the midwest. Their Tax records are requested.
Muller decides it would be a good idea to visit the printing operation that prints the Sons of Freedom newsletter, a small
operation in a Seattle suburb called Goliath Press. According to the newsletter the editor is one "Millenium Man" who lives
at "Millenium Lodge". Mahone accompanies Muller to Goliath press where they meet James Petrofski, the owner, who watches,
slightly bemused, as the two argue. "Muller, shut the fuck up!"
Slightly worried about the possibilty of "A disease!?!" he tries to give them the "Mobilly" number for Millenium Man
and unfortunately after a quick search out back he can't find it. Muller takes this opportunity to have a few select words
with Mahone however.
Muller: "I'd like some co-operation in front of witnesses."
Mahone: "So would I, fucker!"
Meanwhile in Garrison...
Davis arrives and checks into the Sea Harvest Inn. After asking about places of interest he walks up to Grisom point
and surveys the local area with the aid of the coin operated binoculars there. It is at this point that he observes a large
ocean going Yacht called the "Osprey V" arriving at the docks. It is from New Haven, Canada.
After a rather invigorating walk Davis returns to the Sea Harvest to an absolutely delightful Shrimp dinner. After which he
retires to his room to transcribe his recorded interviews and to sleep.
Muller phones, Davis mumbles something and goes back to sleep...
Muller phones, Davis mumbles something and goes back to sleep...
Muller phones. "You've reached Agent Davis' voicemail. I'm out investigating an important case right now. I'll get back to
you as soon as possible... *BEEP*".
Upon examination of its contents Schuster discovers that Macalleth hadn't been using his chemical toilet for some time.
Mahone calls Petrofski and inquires about the identity of the Millenium Man. His name is given as one Micheal Jansen. A thin man
mith mousey brown hair and no visible distinguishing marks.
Micheal Jansen.
2811 SkyDevil Road.
Silver County. (120 miles east of Seattle)
He drives a green Ford Bronco.
Muller requests any information that the BATF has on the town of Garrison.
The beginning of an disturbing, emerging pattern in Schuster's behaviour is seen as she feeds Cocaine to the Lab rats.
Davis finishes his shrimp, and after making transcripts of his interviews, goes to bed.
Muller and Mahone discuss torture methodology as the paroled members of the sons of freedom are brought in for questioning.
Putting on an enviro-suit, Muller "interogates" the guy who had committed
fraud (one Sam O'Lawski) by doing his best Darth Vader impression.
Mr. O'Lawski isn't particularly impressed or intimidated, nor is Muller
particularly patient, so they scream at each other for a while...
Muller drags in the Rapist next.
A 6'2" Blue eyed, blonde haired man with the unlikely name of Billy Butts
(since background checks indicate he has never starred in a porn
Mr. Butts is far more co-operative, maily because Muller scares the ever
lovin' shit out of him...
He spills forth everything that he knows about the sons of freedom, the
two most important details being:
- He knew "Big Mac", and last saw him about 3 months ago.
- A Simon Pateras organises ocasional meetings.
Further checking indicates that Mr. Pateras is a resident of Washington
He holds a licence for 26 firearms (16 of which are semi or fully
He is the owner manager of "Simon's Wilderness warehouse" In Rork
(Rourke?), approximately an hours drive away.
He has the following vehgicles registered to him:
Cadillac Seville
Jeep Grand Cheroke
'54 Oldsmobile
Suzuki Trail Bike
Yamaha Snowmobile
7 am.
Davis exercises.
Muller is having his 2nd cup of coffee.
Schuster is in the lab.
Mahone is asleep.
Sykes is also asleep.
A little later. Sykes has joined Schuster in the Lab, and they have
started to get some results:
The goo melts (at about 80 degrees C)
It doesn't mix with cocaine particularly well.
Sykes manages to make a "toffee rat" by dipping it in the molten
The rats previously injected with said goo are doing fine (after 72 hrs.
probable time of 15 days for full effects?)
Davis has a delightful continental breakfast (with an extra round of toast).
Muller and Mahone ask the CDC to bring in Pateras and Jansen's.
The state police, the National Guard, and the CDC raid Micheal
Sykes recieves voicemail from a Dr. Gregory of the CDC informing her that
he is assisting the State Police on a raid on Jansen's place.
Sykes phones Davis: "They've been doing _forced entry_..."
People start phoning Davis to find out what is going on.
Davis starts phoning people to find out what is going on.
He yells at Muller for conducting raids without informing the Agent in
charge of the investigation.
Meanwhile, the biological goo escapes...
The goo is all gone (reacted with atmosphere?).
It leaves the dessicated/burned tissue of the corpse. Tests on the blood
of goopy rats reveals no goo. No goo on the toffee rat. Some scorched
cocaine. The burns on the corpse are similar to an acid burn (The same
effect could be gained by exposing a body to pure oxygen for several
Sykes and Davis have a conversation on the phone:
"Either you lost it or some one stole it, which is it?"
Sykes hangs up on Davis after telling him to "go fuck yourself!"
Davis talks to the local state police. A nice policeman shows him where
"Big Mac" used to park his truck on Grisom Point.
Mahone and Muller go to Simon's Wilderness Warehouse.
The CDC guys arrive.
Sykes smokes. A lot.
Muller and Mahone talk to Jansen. He lies, telling them he doesn't know
too much about Peteras or "Big Mac".
"He's from the *Ahem* BATF."
Jansen asks for his lawyer.
Davis goes fishing again, he walks the other direction along the coast this time. He comes across an area with a whole heap of rock pools. The rock pools are full of the black wormy things...