It's the Body of a young boy, obviously beaten to death. He's lying in the half-light just before dawn.
It's not really a boy, it's a vast set of wings closing over the dying sun and hurtling stars.
She was pregnant and haemorrhaging blood. Her were eyes put out and her throat cut. Now she's lying in a pool of blood.
The blood is filled with screaming faces. What was her body unfolds to some enormous form of blackness and uncountable legs.
It is a shrivelled naked figure. Its figure is emaciated, and its skin is rotted. Its face is a rodent-like skull.
The eyes flick open to reveal a horrible blue light. The light burns into the viewer's eyes, filling their mind with noise and pain, the whole world takes on a hideous blue tinge. As the mind breaks under the weight of things-lost-to-the-world, the viewer feels blood pouring from their eyes, ears and caste-mark.