
13th generation Brujah

AgeReal 30, apparent 30 (embraced 5 years ago)

You grew up in Brunswick, son of a strong union man, imbued with blue collar values. You dropped out of school at 16 to do a carpentry apprenticeship, but only got half way through before stopping. When you were about 20, you got heavily involved in counter-culture (as your father described it) and moved out of home. You were inspired to act in the politcal arena by a 'power to the people' aspiration, and got involved not just in socialist party work, but also in effective on-street charity work, such as the St John's ambulance course.

It was about this point that you led yourself through what you later described as "a series of indiscriminant loves". Emotionally burnt from being abused by your various lovers, you lost your revolutionary fire and your will to care. You turned to alcohol, and eventually heroin to escape the hell your life became. Two years of this, and you were ready to toss it all in. Something - friends, your will to live, all these things together - caused you to stop and look at what you were doing. You went off the horse, and off the booze too. You got back into volunteer charity work. You tried to stay out the politics, but The Cause kept dragging you back.

Your life was mostly back on the rails when Shannon approached you. She genuinely admired not only your work, but the strength of spirit it took to pull yourself back together, and she offered your immortality. You told her where to stick it. She hung around for months, and you got to know her a lot better than you wanted to. Eventually everything she offered seemed real, and you accepted her offer.

Immortality hasn't really interrupted your life - you continue the work. You are renowned for being rude and fairly unapproachable - your bad experiences with letting people get too close mean that you'd rather push everyone away than go through your own personal hell again. The Brujah clan flaw doesn't help matters either. To those who do get close, you are a friend without measure, tireless in your support of the downtrodden, and in your opposition to the money-serving pseudogentry.

Image: Knee-high leather boots. Tattered jeans. Torn t-shirt. Lithe, if not scrawny. Multi-coloured hair. Bad attitude. Let people talk to you, but stay neutral. Don't say anything. Wait until they have finished. If they are worth your time, talk back, otherwise just keep waiting for them to talk. Anyone who is trying to get close is usually a) trying to fuck you up or b) going to at the wrong place, wrong time when you frenzy.


Mostly ok.
What a right turncoat prick. Terry tried to imply that you were brothers-in-arms, forgtting you'd heard the blather at Rants.
Lucas (Ventrue)
This guy gives you the willies. He's so much the money-hungry, power-driven economic rationalist. Whenever you see him, he's always staring at you, a weird expression on his face.
Maybe its just her remoteness, so akin to your own, or.. who knows. Charlton is a babe. Pity she's the Prince's ghoul... but then again, while the Elders are away...