
13th generation Nosferatu

AgeReal ?, apparent ???

Life's harsh as a Nosferatu, particularily when you're by nature quite an outgoing and social type. The Nosferatu's gift of Mask of 1000 faces allows you to at least interact with the rest of humanity. Your social skills put you in a great position, as you can get along with almost anyone - even the city's notoriously prickly Malkavians.

Really, though, you most enjoy just helping people out - talk them through their problems, offer suggestions, help them see an appropriate way out. It helps you salve your guilt for taking blood for them - its a small inconvenience for them, but you've helped them in return, so its not all that bad. Is it?

The rest of the Nosferatu quite appreciate your outgoing nature, and you're often the representative of your clan at various social occasions. You're even relatively well known in mortal society - your loverly baritone voice is in demand with a couple of amateur choirs.

At the time when all Disciplines ceased to have any effect, you were consoling a distraught young lady at a local night club. The shock of seeing you as you really are was not pleasant for her.


Poor Mat - at the rough end of the stick through life, and now in Unlife as well. You admire them though - no whining or complaining, just putting in the effort to make things better.
Murray/Madelaine and Nathan/Natasha
These two irritate you no end - never a thought for anyone else. Perhaps they need to be... restrained.
Another victim of the Ventrue, you have a harder time talking with them than usual, as they don't really seem grounded in reality.
Jo/Joe and Robin/Robyn
Although the ties that hold them seem to be ones of joy, you can't help but feel there is something unwholesome going on there.
Disturbed, but you can't take your eyes off her.
When you catch him in the quiet periods, Pavel is fine - he has a good heart. In the bad times, he will maim rather than kill and cannot be reasoned with.
