You believe that you were born to lead and that instinct proves you correct. It is your driving goal to become the leader of whatever group you are a part of. You are an 'alpha', a lead wolf. However, others do not necessarily regard you as such. Thus, you feel the need to prove this to reinforce the idea in them and in yourself. This has brought you many challenges, and will bring many more in the future.

This archetype can be taken by nearly anyone, and the ST will judge when to award Willpower.

- Regain one Willpower whenever you successfully prove your right to lead others, either through challenge or by convincing them, through roleplaying, to follow you.

You must hide your secrets from others. Even more importantly, you hide your true self. Anyone who understands you can hurt you, so no one must ever see the real you - no one can come close. Give away as little of yourself as possible - adopt a false personality if you like - but just make sure no one gets hold of the truth about you. Knowledge is power, and thos who know you can do anything they like to you.

- Regain one Willpower point whenever another character confesses an inability to understand you, or whenever someone makes a false assumption about you that gives you an advantage.

You are known as a bully, a ruffian and a tough, and delight in tormenting the weak. Things must always go your way, and you do not tolerate those who cross you. Power and might are all you respect; indeed, you heed only those who can prove their power to you.

You see nothing wrong with forcing your will upon others. There is nothing you like better than to persecute, antagonise, heckle and intimidate those for whom you have contempt - and you respect few indeed. The emotions of kindness and pity are not completely foreign to you, but you hide from your own sense of weakness through cruelty to others. While most Bravos despise the weak, a few become their protectors.

- Regain Willpower whenever you intimidate or physically force another person into doing what you wish.

You always try to help those around you, struggling to make a difference in the needs and sorrows of the unfortunate. People around you depend on your stability and strength to keep them steady and centred. You are the one to whom people turn to when they have a problem. This is a Nature common amongst the clerics of Sorwe.

- Regain Willpower whenever you successfully protect or nurture someone else. This comfort can be as small as a smile of support or a shoulder to lean on at an appropriate moment. You must help the person in some way, though he need not acknowledge your assistance openly.

You are as bold, intrepid, valiant and fearless as you need to be to complete your duty. You are the hero who strives to uphold your ideals and sense of justice. By protecting that which is good, you seek to preserve the society that made you what you are. You hate Deviants ( though you don't always recognise them). Many Cavaliers don't think of themselves as heroic, only as ordinary, but that is because nothing has ever been required of them. When the need is clear, the hero within shall surely emerge.

- Regain Willpower when you manage to accomplish a significant task that postively affects the group to which you belong (almost always the group of characters).

You are driven by the need to win at all costs. The thrill of victory is the only thrill you recognise; it is the thing that drives you on. You see life as a contest and society as a dichotomy of winners and losers. You believe {\em all} the macho proverbs - {\em if you're not the lead dog, the view never changes; there are no prizes for second place; eat or be eaten}. You try to turn every situation into a contest of some kind - it is the only way you can relate to anything. You are capable of cooperating with others, but only by turning the group interactions into another contest: you must be the leader, or the most productive, or the most indispensable, or the best liked - anything, as long as it means you win, in some way or another.

- Regain Willpower whenever you win a contest of any sort, formal or informal. For truly impressive victories, the ST may award more points.

You are still immature in personality and temprement: a kid who never grew up. Though you can (hopefully) care for yourself, you prefer the security of being watched over by others. Often you seek out someone to look out for you - a caretaker of sorts. Some see you as a spoiled brat, while others see you as an innocent cherub unaffected by the evils of the world.

- Regain Willpower whenever someone does something to help you with no apparent gain for herself.

You understand others, and more importantly you like them. You are a facilitator who listens and advises. People confess to you and in return you give them advice, most of it good (although sometimes the advice is more for you own benefit than that of the recipient). You are very interested in other people, and who and what they are.

- Regain Willpower whenever someone confides in you on a personal and intimate level.

You are a follower. Taking charge is just not your style. It is easier for you to adapt, attune, adjust, comply and reconcile yourself to any new situation in which you find yourself. You flit to the brightest star, the person whom you feel to be the best, and throw your lot in with her. It is both difficult and distasteful for you to go against the flow or rebel. You hate inconsistency and instability, and know that supporting a strong leader prevents chaos from occuring. All stable groups need some kind of Conformist.

- Regain Willpower whenever your group accomplishes something because of your support and aid.

What's the sens of working hard when you can get something for nothing? Why drudge when, just by talking, you can get what you want? You always try to find the easy way out, the fast track to success and wealth. Some people might call what you do swindling or even outright theft, but you know that you only do what everyone else does; you just do it better. Additionally, its a game, and you get great pleasure out of outwitting someone. Connivers play many roles, so you may be a thief, a swindler, a street waif, an entrepreneur, a con man or just a finagler.

- Regain Willpower whenever you are able to get your way by tricking another person into doing as you wish.

You are an irascible, churlish person at heart, taking everything seriously and finding little humour in life (though you may have a wickedly barbed wit). Cynicism is your middle name; it is the tool by which you judge everything in life. You have a very well-defined understanding of how things work, especially when they involve the circus of human endeavor. Long ago the foolish actions of others ceased to surprise you.

- Regain Willpower whenever someone does something stupid, just like you predicted. You must predict it either out loud to the other characters or in private to the ST.

There are always people who don't fit in, and you are such a miscreant. Your beliefs, motivations and sense of propriety and the complete antithesis of the status quo. You are not so much an aimless rebel as an independant thinker who does not belong in the society in which you were raised. You don't give a damn about other people's morality, but you do adhere to your own strange code of conduct. Deviants are typically irreverent, and some have truly bizarre tastes and desires.

- Regain Willpower whenever you are able to thumb your nose at society and its precepts without retaliation.

You despise chaos and disorder, and tend to take control and organise things in order to supress anarchy. You like to be in charge, live to organise and habitually strive to make things work smoothly. You trust your own judgement implicitly, and tend to think of things in black and white terms: "This won't work", "You're either for me or against me", "There are two ways to do this - my way and the wrong way."

- Regain Willpower when you are allowed to lead a group and achieve some significant task.

You are consumed by a cause; it is the primary force in your life, for good or ill. Every ounce of blood and passion you posess is directed toward it; in fact, you may feel very guilty about spending time on anything else. You will let nothing stand in your way - nothing that you cannot overcome, in any case. You and those around you may suffer, but you cause is everything - the end justifies the means. Before the game begins, make sure you describe your cause, and define how it may affect your behaviour.

- You regain Willpower whenever you accomplish an act which furthers your cause.

You are as flamboyant as you are amoral; some see you as a rogue, a Don Juan, a rake, a paramour or just a lounge lizard - but you see yourself as all of the above. A consummate actor who loves to make as big a show as possible, nothing attracts your attention more than an appreciative audience. You love people and you love to impress them even more. Though you may indeed be a superior lover, you enjoy the chase almost as much as you enjoy the act. Gallants vary widely in temperament and ambition, holding in common little more than their love of attention.

- Regain Willpower whenever you manage to dazzle or impress another person. The ST is always the judge, even when characters are involved.

You are the fool, idiot, quipster, clown or comic, forever making fun of both yourself and others. You constantly seek the humour in any situation, and strive always to battle the tides of depression inside yourself. You hate sorrow and pain, and constantly try to take others' minds off the dark side of life. Sometimes you'll do nearly anything to forget pain exists. Your particular brand of humour might not always impress your friends, but it makes you feel better. Some Jesters manage to escape pain, and are truly happy, but most never find release.

- Regain Willpower when you raise the spirits of those around you through the device of humour, especially when you are able to escape your own pain in the process.

As a facilitator, moderator, arbitrator, conciliator and peacemaker, you always seek to make things better. You pride yourself on your rationality, your judgement and your ability to deduce a reasonable explanation when given the facts. You struggle to promote truth, but you understand how difficult it is to ascertain. You respect justice, for that is the way in which truth can reign.

In your view, people are resources, albeit ones that are most difficult to manage and employ. You hate dissension and arguments, and shy away from dogmatism. Sometimes Judges make good leaders, though a lack of vision can sometimes cause them to maintain the status quo instead of searching for a better way.

- Regain Willpower when you are able to successfully seperate the truth from a web of lies or can convince disputing individuals to agree with your judgements.

You are the type of person who is always alone, even in a crowd. You are the wanderer, hunter and lone wolf. Although others might think of you as lonely, forsaken, isolated or remote, in truth you prefer your own company to that of others. There ae many different reasons why this might be so: you don't understand people, you understand them too well, people don't like you, they like you too much, or you are simply lost in your own thoughts. Your reasons are your own.

- When you manage to accomplish some significant task on your own, without the aid of others, yet which still aids the group in some way, you regain Willpower based on the significance of the achievement.

All possess the MArtyr instinct, but few act upon it. Even fewer live the life of a Martyr, but you are such a one. Your desire for self-sacrifice stems either from a low self-esteem, a feeling of a lack of control, or a profoundly developed sense of love. You are able to endure long-lasting and severe suffering because of your beliefs and ideals.

At worst, a Martyr expects sympathy and attention because of his or her suffering, and may even feign or exaggerate pain and deprivation. At best, a Martyr will choose to suffer injury or even the Final Death rather than renouce his religion, beliefs, principles, cause or friends.

- Regain Willpower when you sacrfice yourself in a real and immediate way for your beliefs or another individual.

You are a malcontent, iconoclast and free-thinking recalcitrant. You are so independent-minded and free-willed that you are unwilling to join any particular cause or movement. You are just yourself and only desire the freedom to be yourself. You do not make a good follower, and aren't usually a very good leader either (unless your followers are willing to go wherever you lead). You tend to be insubordinate to authority to the point of stupidity.

- Regain Willpower whenever your rebellion against the status quo turns out to be for the best.

No matter what, you always manage to survive. You can endure, pull through, recover from, outlast and outlive nearly any circumstance. When the going gets tough, you get going. You never say die - never. Nothing angers you as much as a person who doesn't struggle to make things better, or who surrenders to the nameless forces of the universe.

- Regain Willpower whenever you survivea difficult situation through your own cunning and perseverance.

You are an orthodox, conservative and extremely traditional individual. What was good enough for you when you were young is good enough for you now. You almost never change. In general, you are opposed to change for the sake of change - what point is there in that? You may be seen by some as a miser, a reactionary or simply an old fogy. You always strive to always preserve the status quo.

- Regain Willpower whenever you are able to protect the status quo and prevent change.

There are very few who are brave or strong or imaginative enough to look beyond the suffocating embrace of society and mundane thought and see something more. Society treats such people with both respect and contempt - for it is the Visionary who perverts as well as guides society into the future.

You may be a spiritualist, shaman, mystic, philosopher or inventor, but whatever you are, you are always looking for something more. You see beyond the bounds of conventional imagination and create new possibilites. Though you might have your head in the clouds and are often of an impractical bent, you are filled with new ideas and perceptions.

- Regain Willpower whenever you are able to convince others to believe in your dreams and follow the course of action outlined by your vision of the future. 1