Rite of the Twinned Strengths

Level Two Accord Rite

Related to the Rite of Comfort, this ritual links the two participants spiritually so that both of their strengths may be used to fight off the effects of a Derangement. Unlike the Rite of Comfort, however, it can only be used between two willing participants, and the rite leaves an empathic bond between them.

During the Rite, the two participants must be touching as well as holding some sort of symbol of the link between them. These symbols are the focus for the ritual, and only as long as the two participants carry them will the effects of the rite remain.

While the Rite is in effect, the two may draw off each other's strength at will, but only to help maintain mental equilibirum. The link between them also conveys strong emotional responses experienced by either participant.

System: The ritemaster makes his roll (Charisma + Rituals vs diff 7) and spends a point of Gnosis. The two participants may now spend willpower from either pool to resist the effects of a Derangement. The points are used at the time, and not 'banked' when the ritual is performed.

Either of the two participants in the ritual may gain an empathic sense of the other on a Per + Emp roll (diff 8). Especially strong emotions may be felt without the roll.

At the ST's discretion, the rite may also help either participant keep themselves under control in other ways, due to the calm reassurance emanating for their empathic twin - eg increasing the frenzy difficulty by one, for instance. However, this sense of linking has its downside, and if one participant does frenzy, then the other's difficulties decrease by one.