Mikal only - do not read otherwise.

Friday 13

Mikal spends the afternoon and night at the Rape Crisis Centre. He mans phones and helps out around the place in general. At about 8:30pm, he heads out for some food, and is heading back when he is approached by a faintly familiar man.

The man introduces himself as Mandras SkyWatcher, from the Reconcilliation Sept. He asks a lot of questions about the new caern, in the interests of Reconciliation. Mikal replies honestly, but is vague about some details. Mandras is fairly vague about why he is in Melbourne rather than Healesville. They walk back to the Crisis Centre and then Mandras heads off.

Saturday 14

Mikal decides that he needs to get a gun, and to get revenge on a human who shot him. He drives all the way out to Seymour and finds the farm of the man who shot at him and killed the dingo pup's mother. He creeps inside the house. He moves around in lupus, looking for the guns he was shot with. He finds some shells, but no weapon. He looks in the car - no go. He heads for the shed and finds that the door is locked. Mikal briefly considers whether to brutal about the door and hope it doesn't make too much noise or be subtle. He chooses subtle. It fails.

Attempting to force the door, Mikal miscalculates the amount of force required and suddenly finds himself under a shower of roofing aluminium as the roof falls off the shed and the window breaks. The door is still locked, and lights come on in the farmhouse. He says "sod subtlety" and rips the door off its hinges, runs in, rips the cabinet with the shotgun in it open and grabs the two shotguns. He flees off the property, taking the time to rip the phone lines out. While the police turn up he takes cover and then when they are gone, he gets in his car and drives away.

Monday 6 April

As the light dies from Mikal's vision, he sees a face looming over him. It looks awfully familiar, as if the person was someone he had known. Just before he dies, Mikal realises that the person looks a lot like his father.