Each Spirit may have many Avatars of itself among its Brood. For instance, the Tribal Totem Rat has many rat spirit avatars, down to spirits which are basically rats.
A Wyrm spirit, corrupt and vile. It is a general classification of a wide range of spirits. Banes come together with material creatures to form Fomori and worse.
The area around a Caern which is still part of the primary territory of the Sept. It may be the forest guarding the sacred grove, or the mountain in which the holy lake is set.
Black Furies
An all female tribe, they are the defenders of the Wyld. Originally from Greece.
The second Urban tribe of Garou, the 'Gnawers demense is usually that of the people within a city.
Breed Form
Breed form is the birth form of a Garou - homid, lupus or metis. It is the form they revert to when unconscious or asleep. In their breed forms, homid and lupus garou do not regenerate. On the plus side, they do not take special damage from silver in these forms. Metis regenerate in all forms and take damage from silver in all forms. Usually the form a garou is most comfortable assuming.
A collection of spirits which serve/follow a particular Incarna
The only tribe of Garou who were not canines of some variety, the Bunyip were strange and unusual. They were all destroyed in the War of Tears
A caern is a holy spot, sacred to the Garou and to Gaia and to a Caern Totem. Septs are formed to protect Caerns, which are a source of Gnosis, knowledge, company and help for the Garou. Caerns can be vaguely classed into Caerns of Wisdom, Honor or Respect or Glory. A Caern consists of a centre and the Bawn. To let a caern fall to the Wyrm is an unforgivable sin to all the tribes.
Caern Warder
The Sept Elder whose primary job is the care and protection of the caern. It is rare beyond words for the Warder to leave the caern, and when it comes to matters regarding its safety, their word is stronger than even that of the Sept Leader.
Child[ren] of Gaia
A tribe of Garou who generally believe in peace and harmony.
One of the 5 forms the garou can assume, Crinos is the war form.
The tendency for humans to have their memory cloud over evidenece of the Garou. Often includes panic, catatonia, and other extreme psychological reactions.
Celtic tribe of Garou.
First Change
The initial point at which a Garou realises his heritage. Normally brought on by anger/rage, and fairly unpleasant for those around him.
A creature formed when a Bane and a material creature merge. Once the process is complete, they are no longer seperate beings, but solely a thing of the Wyrm
A garou may assume one of 5 forms - Homid, Glabro, Crinos, Hispo or Lupus, one of which will be their Breed Form.
The Earth Mother, center of the Universe, the prime cause. The greatest of all spirits, whose body is the material world on which all living things crawl.
A Sept Elder responsible for Moonbridge access into the Caern
1) A barrier between one world and another. 2) Specifically, the barrier between the Realm and the Umbra. Highest in cities, lowest in caerns and wilderness.
Get of Fenris
Norse tribe of Garou.
A gift is a spirit power given to a garou by a spirit. The spirit effectively gives the Garou part of its soul.
'Near Man', the glabro form is around 7' tall, and may sometimes pass as human.
Previously called the Warders of Men, the Glasswalkers are one of the two Urban tribes. They tend to concentrate on the cities themselves - their structure and technology. It is often said that the Glasswalkers are near to falling to the Weaver
Doing the right thing bravely and with great violence.
Spiritual energy.
Hispo Form
'near wolf'. The hispo is about the height of a pony and about 10' long. Its not going to pass as a 'dog'.
A Garou born to human (or maybe kinfolk or Garou) parents. They tend to go through First Change in puberty (13-18).
Homid Form
Homid form is the funny pink monkey form
Doing the right thing.
Keeper of the Land
The Sept Elder responsible for the upkeep (in whatever form) of the Caern and the Bawn.
Non Garou, often family of Garou, who posess enough of the garou spirit to be more than human.
The laws of the Garou nations. To break them is to invite disaster.
A Garou born to wolf (or maybe kinfolk or Garou) parents. They tend to go through First Change about age 1.5-2, and from then on age as humans do.
Lupus Form
Wolf form.
Master of the Challenge
The Sept Elder responsible for the resolution of conflicts between the Garou and the tests that determine whether a Garou is worthy of the status they seek.
Master of the Rite
The Sept Elder responsible for all spiritual goings on in the Sept, especially the performing of Rituals and the obtaining of Gifts.
A garou born of two Garou. Always bear some stigmatising deformity and are sterile. It is against the Litany to mate with another Garou.
A gateway which can be opened through the Umbra to connect two points instantly. Normally formed between two Caerns, and guarded by a Gatekeeper
A moot is a full moon celebration hosted by a Sept at a Caern
A group of Garou, bound together by a Totem spirit to accomplish some great task.
Peeking is the process of perceiving past a Gauntlet from one realm to another. The eyes of a Garou engaged in this process normally turn a pearly white as it occurs. Akin to stepping sideways.
That part of the Umbra which maps to the material realm. When a Garou steps sideways, they almost always move into the Penumbra. To reach the other realms, Garou most commonly use a Moonpath.
1) any seperate part of Gaia. 2) When capitalised, refers to the Material Realm.
Red Talons
All lupus tribe of Garou, who possess a great hatred for the annoying pink monkeys.
A combination of spell and spirit favour performed in a set way to achieve some mystic effect. There are many flavours of ritual and many of them are seekrit.
A community of werewolves formed to guard a Caern, consisting of one of more Packs and Sept Elders
Sept Elders
High ranking Garou who form the core of the Sept. Traditional roles include Sept Leader, Master of the Rite, Master of the Challenge, Gatekeeper, Caern Warder and Keeper of the Land.
Originally from east europe, the Shadowlords are proponents of efficiency and practicality, as well as strong leaders.
Silent Striders
Originally from Europe, Striders are known as wanderers and messengers of the Garou nations. They traditionally have an association with Death.
Silver Fangs
Regal tribe of werewolves, traditional leaders of the Garou. Originally from Russia, have Kinfolk in many noble families in many cultures.
A general classification for any entity not posessing a material form.
Step Sideways
The process of moving from one realm to another. Said to have been taught to the Garou by Coyote, stepping requires the Garou to use a mirror or reflection to perceive themselves as part of a greater whole. It can take no time to 5 or more minutes to move from one to the other, and you can get stuck.
A spirit which has chosen to bind itself to a group of Garou, whether a Pack, Sept or Tribe. The spirit gives its protection and gifts to the bound Garou and they give service to the spirit.
The three cosmic forces that underpin the universe as known to the Garou, the Wyrm, the Weaver and the Wyld. Often personified to some degree by the Garou.
Native American tribe of werewolves, strongly into mystical stuff.
Umbra is the generic term for all the spirit realms, from the Penumbra to the Deep Umbra. It contains hundreds of realms and subrealms.
War of Tears
The genocidal war that the European Garou conducted against the Bunyip at the end of the 19thC.
Order. The Weaver is one of the Triat, a fundamental force in reality. It has also become 'insane', and is attempting to bring Order and Stability and Stasis to all things.
The other native American tribe, they are unknown in Australia.
Knowing the right thing to do
The primal chaos, Creation and Change in its raw form. The only surviving part of the Triat, the Wyld is being beaten down by the Wyrm and the Weaver.
1) The spiritual resonance of the Wyrm (ie: wyrmtaint); 2) The Wyrm, one of the Triat. Originally a force of Balance, it fell from grace and became the Corruptor. Not a entity, but a fundamental force of reality.