random photos

I'm moving all my photos into the gallery

springtime garden brighton beach melbourne general cemetary
geelong cemetaries city scotchman's creek, oct
flowers - december 2002 flowers - october 2003 flowers - november 2003_
our garden 20040823 our garden 20040929 our garden 20041006
our garden 20041012 greyfriars at night a long day
moon 2004 phillip island pink skies
rainbows sandringham feb04 snowy river flood
sunset aug 2003 sunset may 2004 variations...
waterfalls whirling skies
beach, post moving


These photos are copyright to Damien Moore. If you would like to use them (for your webpage, background on your pc, or whatever), please save a copy and then email me with "Using photo" in the subject line to let me know. Don't link to them directly - you are then not only using them without permission, but also using my bandwidth.
